Logo de Herrera & Co en blanco y con fondo transparente


Foto del licenciado Luis Herrera, socio de Herrera & Co.

Mr. Luis E. Herrera

Foto de la licenciada Génesis Pineda, socia de Herrera & Co.

Ms. Génesis Pineda H.

Foto del licenciado Aldo Herrera, socio de Herrera & Co.

Mr. Algo G. Herrera 

At Herrera & Co we offer you a specialized legal advice which will safeguard the legality and compliance with the regulations in all your actions, as well as so that you dispose timely information and make the most correct decisions from the legal point of view.

Get the help you need now:

We are commited:


Our experience allows us to offer you a service that meets all your professional needs


You have our support within the entire legal framework to resolve the situation you are looking to solve.


We go along with you from the beginning to the end, always ready to help you to take the best decisions.


If you are looking to resolve a specific situation and do not know where to start or how to proceed, fill out this form so that we will contact you. We will advise you from the first moment.